Wednesday, March 14, 2012

a new project

My husband is just giddy...he's finally getting his favorite speakers he's been wanting, for like, forever.  And I'm finally brave enough to have them out in the open.  And as technology typically goes, you want to get one new thing, then you figure out that whatever you're getting just won't work with what you already have.  In our case, the speakers were going to be blocked by the entertainment center doors when open. Ok.  So we need to change out the entertainment center for something with no doors. Ok. Now our big, unsightly TV (normally hidden) is going to be out in the open.  First thing you see when you come in the front door--"Hello! I'm a giant T.V.!"  Looks like we need a different T.V. (score again for Adam since he's been wanting a new one of those as well).  So a weekend search for just the right piece of furniture ensues.  I refuse to purchase anything new--gotta keep on a budget since spending all the money on the technology.  Our weekend searching as well as numerous internet/craigslist/newspaper searches are fruitless.  It's a small wall, not a lot of room in this old home of ours, and no other places where it can even go in the living room, and then there's all of the electronic components that need to be organized and accessible.  So I've decided to make it myself.  I've been thinking of some uses for all of this lath board that I've been collecting.  I'm excited to be using it on this project for my own home.  Although this has been time consuming to come up with the design and taken me away from some of my other projects, I am really looking forward to the construction process this weekend--nothing more fulfilling that seeing your ideas and sketches come to life! 
My lath pile: I've been collecting this since we moved in.  I just love all of the different colors and textures.

Removed the nails and laid it out to admire it's beauty.

Preliminary sketches.

Constructed my drawings in the computer to get a better sense of things and started dimensioning everything out.

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